© 2008 Annika Leigh, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio
They said it was a routine test- genetic testing but then the doctor said he had some bad news. There was a high likelihood of Down Syndrome. We could decide how we wanted to proceed.
Every parent wants a happy and healthy child. And so, having an abortion because you're carrying a baby with Down syndrome might be tempting, especially if you didn't want to get pregnant in the first place. Friends and family start pushing you to abort. “You can always have another baby”, they say, “one with less problems”. No one would give you a hard time for choosing this. There's no way anyone can expect you to handle this with your already hard life.
But before you do anything you can't take back, ask yourself:
Ask yourself if this baby would be able to love an adopted family.
Ask yourself if there is any possibility that your life would get better.
Ask yourself if you know all the facts.
Ask yourself if you have ever met a Down’s baby. Is everything you know based on theoretical facts or TV (including Becky from GLEE)?
It can be a scary time, but don’t make any rash decisions before you do the research. Don’t know where to start? First watch this Video, this message to you:
Know that you are not alone. There are many others that have been and are where you are at this moment.Noah’s Dad is only one example. He has blogged about his experiences--- the joys and heartbreaks.

© 2013 photosavvy, Flickr | CC-BY-ND | via Wylio
Now, call us. We can put you in touch with supportive and friendly pregnancy counselors who will be there for you throughout your pregnancy.