
You Don’t Want to Have An Abortion but Feel Forced

You Don’t Want to Have An Abortion but feel Forced

Forced abortions, coerced abortions happen all the time. It is easy to think that forced abortions only happen in China or other parts of the world. Though tragically, women are forced to have abortions against their will in other countries. It also happens here in the United States every day.
Even though abortionists deny it, many post-abortive women will tell you the truth-almost two out of three involve pressure, coercion, threats, or violence. They will tell you that even though they did not admit it at the time- they felt forced to have an abortion.
They felt like it wasn’t really their decision.
One of the most well known stories of violence against a pregnant woman is the Scott Peterson case. Scott Peterson was convicted for the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner. This is not an isolated event. Every day, pregnant women are the victims of violence and even murder.

Murder is the leading cause of death among pregnant women.
Pregnant woman have a 35.6 percent greater risk of being a victim of violence than a non-pregnant woman according to the Journal of Marriage and the Family

Spouses, boyfriends, parents, and even abortion doctors force abortions on women all the time. Researcher David Reardon said that women give three reasons for undergoing abortions 1) feeling forced by their mother, father, husband or boyfriend 2) lack of support from friends and family 3) pressured by abortion center.

Now you may not feel a threat to your life, but you might be feeling pressure to do something you don’t want to do. Do you feel the pressure of losing a relationship, your job, your house or even your reputation? So what options are there can you possibly deal with the rejection and maybe even being kicked out of your home?

The following question was on Yahoo Answers: One woman wrote:
My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly two years and I love him so much. Even though we are just “friends” right now we still talk and have that connection. Well, I found out I was pregnant by him… again. I ended my first pregnancy with an abortion but I just can’t go through that again. His mind is made up, he doesn’t want the baby. He told me that I am getting an abortion. To be honest, we are too young to be parents and I’m not quite ready either. His little comments like “You’re not having this baby if I have anything to do with it” kind of scare me. I am willing to have this baby and give it up for adoption to a loving family since we are young. Can he make me get an abortion since he is the father? …

I based the first abortion on my parents and our lifestyle. My mom always tried to portray the “perfect family” image. I did not want to humiliate my dad either, but having an abortion was a difficult decision for me. I am still an emotional wreck for terminating the life of a would be beautiful, intelligent baby.

So many women are in the same situation. Confused, struggling, and feeling alone.
It is important to know that you are not alone. There are people that care about you and who are willing to support you during and after your pregnancy. If your boyfriend or family is not going to be supportive, someone else will. A support system will get you through rough days and help you celebrate great ones. Church members, friends, and co-workers all might lend support and if possible it is great to have more than one resource. Also there are many people that you do not know that are very willing help.

Know that being pregnant will not “ruin your life”. In fact, if you choose adoption, it will mean nine months and then you can let a family that wants a baby, adopt one. There are many families that want a child so you can give them a gift.

But what do you do in the meantime? First, try and explain to your family member or boyfriend your feelings. They may surprise you by listening. If they will not listen, you have other options. If you feel threatened in any way, there are people who will help. If you just want to talk, or you need immediate help, please call Options United and someone help you. Call even if you just need someone to listen and give you guidance so you can approach your loved ones and tell them what you want.

Also, know your rights. No one can coerce you into an abortion even if you are under 18. A parent who tries to coerce a daughter to have an abortion could be subject to a multitude of legal charges. Criminal charges could be pressed against the parents in the 37 states that have fetal homicide laws. Criminal prosecution for child abuse could also occur. Parents and abortionists could be civilly liable for battery, negligence, false imprisonment, or other claim.
If you feel like you might lose your job, know that in many states it is illegal for an employer to discriminate against you because you are pregnant.

If you feel like you might lose your social assistance or an educational scholarship again, this most likely will not be the case.

You may have questions about how to pay for your medical bills, the health risks of abortion or even want to meet adoptive families. Options United or a local pregnancy center can assist you with all of these things.

If you would like more information, an in-depth report and more research regarding forced abortions is available at the Elliot Institute.
