
What They DON’T Tell you about Birth Control

I was watching TV and saw an ad for Quarette. A woman happily flitted across the screen as the announcer said “I only have four periods a year.” What? First I thought, “that woman needs to see a doctor!” Then I saw it was an AD for a new type of birth control and this was a desired effect.

I don’t get it. How is this a good thing? I mean, yeah, no one loves having their period, but doesn’t it seem destructive to manipulate your hormones so your body does something so unnatural?

Ever read those little information pamphlets that comes with hormonal birth control prescriptions? Did you see the long list of potential birth control side effects and wonder just how much of a  risk there really is?  I have friends who won't take aspirin because of the side effects, but will religiously take their birth control without thinking twice about the hefty warnings.

Interestingly enough, many women today don’t really know or understand the health risks that are associated with the manipulation of their hormones through hormonal birth control methods. We can talk about the bad effects of GMOs and chemicals in our beauty products, but discussion about birth control has become taboo.

Why? It is not an “agenda’ to ask women to be informed and read the pamphlets that COME WITH the pills they take every day.  It is not an agenda to say there ARE SIDE EFFECTS to these pills. To say anything differently would be irresponsible. To equate the side effects to those of over the counter drugs including aspirin, is just plain silly.

Birth control pills are usually used to prevent pregnancy. It works on your hormones to prevent ovulation. When estrogen is not balanced by progesterone a situation called estrogen dominance occurs and some very serious effects take place. There is an increased risk of breast cancer and blood clotting as well as heart attack and stroke.

It is your choice. Absolutely. But are you making an informed choice?

How many of these common birth control side effects are you familiar with?

·    Nausea, vomiting, constipation, or bloating

·    Irregular menstruation and spotting

·    Breast swelling or tenderness

·    Decreased libido

·    Weight gain or loss of appetite

·    Mood swings, anxiety, nervousness and/or depression

·    vaginal infections

·    dizziness and fatigue

·    High blood pressure and cholesterol

·    Acne or permanent skin discoloration

·    Bone density loss

·    Hair loss

·    Vision impairment

·    Gallbladder disease and gallstones

·    Embolism

·    Resistance to Insulin

·    Immune system suppression

·    Heart attack

·    Stroke

·    Breast tumors and liver tumors

·    Ectopic Pregnancies

·    Links with certain cancers such as cervical cancer

·    Blood clots in legs, lungs, heart and brain

·    Nutrient deficiency.

While birth control pills are an effective and easy way to prevent unwanted pregnancies, they are not the safest or even the most effective way to accomplish the goal. There are other healthy and safe options available to women today to address their concerns.  It is not just the pill either.  Lindsey Agresta used the NuvaRing for a month. When she found the pain unbearable she called the emergency room. She said she "couldn't take it anymore," her mother, Diane Agresta, told HuffPost . That was the night, Diane said, that "everything just changed." Lyndsey was hemorrhaging in her brain. Six months later she died. There have been over 3,800 NuvaRing lawsuits filed on behalf of women throughout the U.S.

Did you know that there are hormone-free, chemical- free methods of controlling birth?

Creighton University has developed a hormone-free family planning system that is over 99% effective when used correctly. It is not a one-size fits all calendar or rhythm method. It is a scientifically developed system that has been used to avoid and achieve pregnancies. It has also been effective in helping to identify medical problems including cysts and cancer.

I’m not telling you all of this to scare you. My goal is simply to empower you with all of the information, so that YOU can make the best choice for YOU.  Hormonal imbalances are common in women, and infertility is at an all-time high. Can we say for sure this is all connected? No, but we also can’t say for sure that it isn’t. With so many options available for re-connecting with our cycles as a powerful source of our feminine energy, why take the drug? If you want to discuss your options, call for more free information.
